Sales & Specials

Our current Sale items. 
This page contains a summary of items on sale across the various categories on the site. You will also find these items in those individual categories.

Our Standard Cloth Nappy Bulk Specials:

More info:
 You can add any mix of colours, prints or nappy styles to qualify for the discounts (note that this does not include "flats" or "inserts" - which we do not classify as "nappies").
 "Cheapest nappy is free" discounts are calculated on the base nappy price - insert prices are excluded when calculating the discount. The discount for a plain colour pocket nappy, for example, will only be R80 (the base price of the nappy) - regardless of which inserts are taken.

Bandana Bib Specials:
 Add 3 or more bandana bibs to your cart and save R5 per bib

 Discounts are automatically applied to your shopping cart.
 The individual line items on the invoice do not reflect the discount.
 Discounts are shown right at the bottom of your invoice just above the cart total.

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