Cloth Nappy Wash & Care Guide

Changing during the day:
 Remove and dispose of the bamboo liner if used - or rinse off fleece liner
 Remove inserts from pocket nappy (not necessary for sleeve nappy or all-in-ones):     
- If nappy is just wet - simply put nappy and inserts into a dry bucket to store until wash day  (not longer than 2 full days)
- If nappy is soiled (solids) - flush the solids down the toilet, then place nappy and inserts into dry bucket (not longer than 2 full days)

Note: The nappies must be stored in a laundry basket or a (dry) bucket (Modern cloth nappies MUST NOT be soaked in water – this may damage the waterproofing layer and/or the elastics).
Nappies should be washed on day 3 - do not store dirty nappies for longer than three days.   

Tip: We strongly suggest using a BiddyKins Pail Liner inside an aerated laundry basket - a pail liner is a large PUL lined (ie waterproof) clothing bag. It allows just enough airflow inside the basket - but reduces odours. On wash day all items are emptied into the washing machine and the pail liner is dropped in to the washing machine too. Two pail liners are usually enough. You can find them for sale under the cloth nappy menu.

Night Nappies:
Night nappies should preferably be rinsed in the morning under warm running water to break up the ammonia crystals that may have formed  (they absorb a large volume of wee during the night).
Squeeze dry and then store in the dry bucket until wash day  (not longer than 2 full days).

Bamboo Fabric: Note that bamboo is a reasonably sensitive fabric. Acidic wee can start to break down (dissolve) the bamboo fibers. You may notice some thinning patches on the inserts/flats. This tends to indicate that something is damaging the fabric - and it can often be down to highly acidic wee. Resolving this issue as soon as it starts occurring can save the inserts/flats from further damage. Rinse the inserts/flats after changing baby to reduce the acidity levels and seriously consider adjusting babies fluid intake - think more water - less juice.

 Run a rinse & spin cycle
 Wash in cold water using regular detergents
 NEVER use fabric softener
 Line dry as much as possible
 Covers that have exposed PUL should NOT be left in direct sunlight. 
 Inserts (especially hemp) can be tumble dried.


Step 1
 First run a cold rinse & spin cycle:
Move nappies & inserts from dry bucket into your washing machine.
We always recommend first running a cold rinse cycle followed by a spin cycle to flush the nappies of urine.
Tip: To save on water: consider rinsing the nappies in bath water before draining the bath!

Step 2
  Add your detergent - use the recommended amount as per the manufacturer. Please see note on additives lower down on this page!
  Machine should be 3/4 full of laundry (add other clothing/linen if needed to fill it - too little laundry may result in insufficient agitation)
  Run a long cotton cycle (at least 1 hour).
  Maximum temperature is 30 degrees.
You can use your regular detergent, just AVOID using detergent with added softeners - so no 2-in-1's !
DO NOT add fabric softener. (Fabric softners work by coating the fibers and this reduces absorbency - breaking the nappy permanently!)
Run a long cold wash cycle with the detergent. Some information available online notes that you can safely wash cloth nappies in hot water of up to 60 degrees – but heat will damage the waterproof lining and the elastics - also the sides of the machine drum may be a lot hotter than the water – so rather be safe and just do a cold wash as part of your regular routine.
The care label on BiddyKins nappies specifically identifies 35 degrees. This is not because the nappies have inferior PUL or more sensitive elastics - we want your nappies to last as long as reasonably possible! 

Remember: There are a lot of people with opinions on-line....but they do NOT know more about the materials used than the fabric manufacturers, and neither will they take any responsibility for replacing or repairing your nappies should something go wrong..... so FOLLOW THE NAPPY CARE LABEL ! When in doubt - ask US !   

Step 3
  Dry your nappies and inserts.
Line dry your nappies.
- The nappy shell will dry quite quickly as it doesn't really absorb much water.
- The inserts will take longer to dry as they are designed to act like a sponge.
ONLY Inserts can be dried in a tumble dryer but as is the case with most fabrics - tumble drying shortens the lifespan of fabrics.
Hemp fabric which stiffens when drying can be popped in the tumble dryer for a few minutes when they are nearly dry - this will soften the fabric considerably.

NOTE: The nappy shell / outer lining (with the sensitive outer waterproof layer and elastics) should NEVER be tumble dried.

Take care not to leave nappy covers in direct sunlight as this will damage the sensitive PUL waterproofing. Covers (which don't have any lining or inserts attached) have exposed laminating and are more sensitive to direct sunlight. Pockets and All-in-One nappies are different and can be left in sunlight to remove stains - but lay them with the colour/printed side away from the direct sunlight.

Line drying All-in-One Nappies Correctly:

Detergent Additives
Biddykins does NOT currently endorse any deep cleaning detergents or additives for use with Biddykins nappies EXCEPT for GroVia’s Mighty Bubbles. This deep cleaning agent has been developed and is manufactured in the U.S. specifically for cloth nappies by one of the worlds leading cloth nappy companies. Mighty Bubbles has been thoroughly tested for use on cloth nappies – and has the necessary certification and documentation to back up its claims.
Using any other special detergent or deep cleaning additive, even if it is labelled as cloth nappy safe may have a very serious long-term impact on your nappies and the guarantee that BiddyKins offers.
If ever you are in doubt as to whether your detergent is safe to use or are experiencing difficulties with your washing routine – please do not hesitate to simply ask us:
Just drop us an email: [email protected].

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