Hemp Booster Insert

  • R30.00


A single 4-Layer Hemp Fleece Booster Insert.
Similar to the regular size insert, only smaller.
This is the most absorbent booster insert available.
Used primarily to boost OSFM (i.e. regular size) All-in-One nappies.
Can also be used with Newborn sized Covers.

Note that these booster inserts are too large for our Newborn All-in-One nappies.

Size ± 27cm x 12cm

 Used to boost OSFM All-in-One nappies (not newborn size).
 Combines extremely well with other insert types.
 Hemp is usually placed furthest away from the bum.
Hemp does tend to shrink a bit, may lose shape and stiffen as they dry.
Tumble drying or working the inserts by hand will soften them.

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